Are you an Airline, MRO, Lessor or just looking for surplus aircraft seats in “as removed” or serviceable condition for commercial aircraft types such as Airbus, Boeing, ATR, Bombardier, Embrear or Fokker? We have many ship sets of different seat models from manufacturers such as Recaro, B/E Aerospace, Geven, Weber, Zodiac and Zim Flugsitz listed on our marketplace aviationgate.
Looking to revamp your aircraft's interior? We've got you covered every step of the way! Whether it's reconfiguring your PAX count, updating monuments, refreshing cabin components, or even doing a cargo conversion, we're here to help. Just tell us what section of the aircraft you're working on, and we'll provide you with everything you need: PNs, photos, dimensions, you name it!
In our inventory, we currently have cabin interiors for A320, A330, A350, and B787 Family. From overhead bins to cabin attendant seats, we've got all the components you need to elevate your aircraft fleet. Reach out to us and build your Bill of Materials (BOM) together!

Looking for a specific part number? We have more than 14,000 part numbers available on the common aftermarket inventory marketplaces.
Entertainment Systems
We are dealing with replaceable units and surplus IFE components, electronic items, monitors in “As Removed” or “Serviceable” conditions. We offer integration of IFE systems as well as removals and IFE blanking services.
Cabin Simulator
Are you looking for aircraft furniture for non-aviation related areas such as exhibitions, events, movie productions, shop stores, restaurants, waiting rooms, home & office furniture, lobbies, cabin training lessons, etc.?
We offer custom-made airplane mock-ups for every possible occasion, wherever you need a realistic airplane environment.
Image left: Hofmann / CRAIC = China Russian Commercial / Aircraft International Cooperation